Frequently Asked Questions
Referrals + Conversion Program
- Yes, it is required that all members a part of OJO Pro be enrolled with RCC as their conversion expert partner.
- Yes, the contract with RCC will be with the team owner. OJO will recognize the agent assigned to receive the leads. The team owner has full control over the leads, meaning if they choose to switch the leads over to a different agent, then we can accommodate*
*Changing the individual who is receiving the leads to a different team member is doable, however, we cannot frequently change it. Meaning, we cannot alternate back and forth between team members on demand.
- Once you sign up, your application will be under RCC and OJO’s review. Once OJO confirms that there is a seat available, you will be notified and expected to give payment to RCC within 48 hours if you wish to continue with the program.
- Next, you will attend a one-time, 1 hour onboarding call that will introduce best practices and train you on the fundamentals of the system.
- Our agent partners will then gain access to 45 annual calls weekly with RCC conversion coaches to learn the best strategies and tactics to convert at 10%+.
Is there a referral attached to this program too, or is the $300 a month platform fee the only cost?
- There is a success fee due to OJO upon closing (see below)
- Contact OJO for more details and questions.
- Agents in this program should expect to receive enough priority notifications so that they can win 6-8 opportunities per month. This varies based on your market, seasonality, etc, and RCC makes no guarantee of how many referrals you will ultimately receive monthly.
- Once you set up your OJO agent dashboard, you will have the ability to open a map with all the zipcodes available in your seat. At this point, you can select/unselect the zipcodes you prefer to service.
Within your OJO Agent Dashboard, under Coverage Areas, we encourage Pro agents to indicate as many zip codes as they are comfortable with and can reasonably service. The larger the coverage area, the more lead flow you can expect to see.
- Both, but from our experience mostly buyers. Dig deep with each referral they are often a seller as well.
- The OJO Pro program is designed for small teams (about 1-3 agents) wanting to receive more lead opportunities and convert at 10%+. Each “seat” a team leader purchases, only has the capability of being assigned to 1 individual.
- OJO Pro + is a different program offered by OJO that is designed for mega teams selling 200+ homes a year.
- The referrals will stay with the agent they were assigned to. That agent would be demoted and removed from Pro, but would be expected to continue assisting the referrals they’ve developed relationships with. RCC could then choose to offer the seat to another agent – be it with an agent on the same team or someone else entirely.
- No, we want to see you live! You might have heard this before from the founder of RCC, Craig Reger… “You are 300% more likely to secure business when you meet the consumer face-to-face”. This same concept is applied to attending these weekly, ongoing calls. Being present, retaining the knowledge, and asking questions in real time has a much greater return for YOU!
- We (RCC) cannot give you a timeline, as that is up to OJO and if/when a seat opens up in your market. It might take a few days or several weeks based on your market and the seat availability.
- The platform fee is $300 and upon being accepted into the program, RCC collects the first and last month’s payment. The first portion is prorated for the time of the month you are onboarded by RCC/OJO into the Pro program and last month is also collected at onboarding.
- Many of our clients have multiple coaches. In this case, as your coach, we will help you achieve a 10%+ conversion
- This contract is for 60 days and then month to month thereafter.
- Cancellation requires giving written ‘notice’ to RCC via email.
*Notice is defined as a client’s wish to terminate their contract, give up their “seat” all leads and coaching. Notice must be given 30 days in advance of the client’s actual termination date. All payments will be due payable within the 30 days’ notice period. The termination of said contract does not alleviate the requirement to pay any referral fees due to various companies for previous leads provided.
- Email ojoconversion@regercoaching.com and let us know to remove you from program consideration.
- Any questions related to leads, lead flow, lead quality, or your dashboard, please reach out to OJO directly at support@ojo.com.