
Pat B.

Pat B.

I enjoyed meeting you when you and Craig put on 90 Listings in 90 Days. I can't begin to tell you how pumped up the agents in my PC program were after the class. One went right out to the parking lot and made a call she's been putting off, and got a listing appointment for the next day. WooHoo! I've had all of my coaching clients complete the blanks and activities on the pages 4-9 and set their goal for the next 90 days. Thanks, again, for providing such an incredible value.

Pat B.


Pat B.

I enjoyed meeting you when you and Craig put on 90 Listings in 90 Days. I can't begin to tell you how pumped up the agents in my PC program were after the class. One went right out to the parking lot and made a call she's been putting off, and got a listing appointment for the next day. WooHoo! I've had all of my coaching clients complete the blanks and activities on the pages 4-9 and set their goal for the next 90 days. Thanks, again, for providing such an incredible value.