
Avoid Sales Friction

Sales friction refers to the obstacles or challenges that we, as agents, may inadvertently create, which can hinder progress with our clients. These self-inflicted hurdles can make the buying or selling process more difficult, slow down transactions, and potentially reduce overall client satisfaction. We’ve all seen it happen, and it’s something we must actively work to eliminate.

Here are some common examples of sales friction:

  1. Not Asking the Right Questions Upfront: Understanding our clients’ needs, expectations, and concerns from the very beginning is crucial. By asking the right questions, we can tailor our approach and provide a more personalized experience.
  2. Failing to Educate Clients on the Process: Clients often enter the buying or selling process with limited knowledge. It’s our responsibility to guide them, set expectations, and educate them on what to anticipate. This reduces anxiety and ensures smoother transactions.
  3. Lack of Communication: When clients are left in the dark, they begin to wonder and guess, which can lead to frustration and doubt. Consistent, clear communication is key to maintaining trust and keeping clients informed every step of the way.
  4. Poor Handoffs to Staff/Admin Team: Our clients should feel well cared for throughout the entire process, including when tasks are passed on to our staff or admin team. A seamless transition ensures continuity and reinforces our commitment to excellent service.

By identifying and addressing these areas, we can minimize sales friction, leading to a more streamlined process and happier clients. Let’s focus on improving these aspects in our daily routines to elevate the overall client experience.
Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to build trust and demonstrate our value. Let’s commit to enhancing the service we provide.