
Don’t give up!

The number one question we get asked: When and how often should I follow up with a lead? If only there were a simple answer… but there isn’t. Follow up timing is based on MANY things.

  • Real estate IQ. This is simply using your best judgement, experience and real estate common sense to come up with what to do. For instance, if they are looking to buy/sell in the next month or two – follow up daily to get that appointment and cement that relationship. If they are looking to buy/sell next year – monthly would be best until you either approach the timeline or they indicate the timeline moved up (then switch to a more aggressive approach).
  • Monthly and consistently. For long term follow- up as mentioned above, every 30 days is a good rule of thumb. It allows you to stay in touch without being a pest and to be sure if timeline or motivation changes you are there and ready for them. The key here- don’t give up!
  • What to say? In any conversation you are trying to determine timeline and motivation. So, start with that! Take note, add to your database.
  • Ok, now what? Those check in calls should be so simple they can easily be left as voicemail or text (because let’s face it – people are BUSY and aren’t going to answer your call)
    1. Has your timeline or motivation changed?
    2. Do you have any questions about the real estate market?
It’s been said, made clear, said again – and yet, so many times we hear of agents giving up:

“They ignored me.”
“They seemed tired of my calls.”
“They said they’d call me when they are ready.”

DON’T GIVE UP! People are busy – but when they are ready they will remember you, how often you kept in touch, how you were always there to help, and more times than not they actually do call you in between your monthly check in to say… “I’m sorry for ignoring you, thank you for staying in touch, I’m ready!”