
Get back into relationship with clients & understand their motivation.

Relationship building and understanding a client’s motivation are large components in business. For the last couple years, between COVID with social distancing and a hot market where you’d meet a new buyer and have them in contract the same day, relationship building and understanding a client’s motivation may not have been as understood and consistent as it should be.

As things change and buyers are beginning to slow down their buying process as they second guess interest rates and competitive situations, and sellers aren’t receiving offers the moment they hit the market, it’s time to bring back that practice of relationship building and truly understanding your client’s motivation to buy or sell.

The reality is, thousands of new agents entered the market as it heated up. And it was relatively easy for a new agent to build a business and existing agents to increase business with less efforts then before. We are quickly shifting to a world where clients are needing to be understood, the motivation behind why they are buying or selling needs to be discovered and then often reminding the client of that motivation to keep them going in this new market. And if you don’t choose to go back to relationship building and motivation – well there are thousands more agents out there… and with competition against agents growing clients will find an agent who slows down, listens to them, takes their time and keeps in mind their motivation. An agent who doesn’t get impatient with clients as the market changes and buyers take more time to buy and sellers need more creative strategies to sell.

Bottom line – get back into relationship with clients, take time to really understand motivation. Go back to the basics and adapt to continue having a thriving business no matter what the market brings.

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