
Re-engage Old Leads with Gold Bars

When it comes to reviving old or seemingly dormant leads, RCC encourages a strategy that consistently results in re-engagement: offering “gold bars”. This method involves offering a valuable piece of information or insight about the market that has the potential to capture the attention and reignite the interest of these previously inactive leads. 

GOLD BAR Example
Price Reductions:

“Hi ___, I know it has been awhile since we last spoke. I was just reviewing Portland’s market stats this morning and what I found is unbelievable…

[Insert City] home sellers had xx price reductions last week alone- that is a __% INCREASE over this time last year! What that tells me is that xx home sellers are desperate to get offers before the holidays…
Seriously, no one lowers their price in late summer unless they want to sell before winter! What that means to me is that the market is about to offer some incredible discounts!!


Knowing that, do want to get out there and/or restart your search and see if we can find you a great deal?”

This approach to re-engaging old or inactive leads is more than just a strategy—it’s a mindset that prioritizes value, personalization, and exclusivity. This method exemplifies your commitment to nurturing relationships and providing exceptional value in every interaction, ultimately leading to a higher rate of successful lead reactivation.


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