
Reviews are Crucial

According to realtor.com97% of people read reviews before deciding to work with an agent. Therefore, getting reviews from your clients is crucial to securing more business.

Here are a few ways to get more reviews:

  1. Provide exceptional service: The obvious way to receive positive reviews is by providing excellent service to your clients. However, if you go above and beyond to meet their needs, be responsive, and deliver results, the client will correlate their ‘win’ to your services. In other words, if you provide exceptional service, your clients will attribute their success to you and be more inclined to write a positive review.
  2. Ideally, it’s best to ask for feedback shortly after you’ve successfully closed a deal or completed a transaction. The positive experience will be fresh in their minds, increasing the chances of them leaving a positive review.
  3. Keep it short and simple: People are more likely to respond if the request is straightforward and easy to act on. Avoid long paragraphs and complicated instructions. Include a direct link to the review platform (ex: Zillow, Yelp) to make it convenient for clients to leave a review.

    Remember, authenticity is crucial when asking for reviews. Your focus should always be on delivering outstanding service, which will naturally lead to positive reviews from satisfied clients.