

Discipline Isn’t About Perfection

Discipline is often misunderstood as the pursuit of perfection, when in reality, it’s more about consistency and resilience. Real estate is a dynamic and unpredictable field, and success rarely comes from flawlessness in every transaction and interaction. As we approach a new year, consider these simple ways to build relentless discipline: Harness Your Why: Like Nietzsche said, “A man who has a ‘why’, can bear almost any ‘how’.” Set Clear Goals: Set a long-term vision, annual, monthly, weekly and daily goals. Have a look at your goals everyday to remind yourself, why you are doing this. Take note of what’s working well…

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Nonverbal Communication

In the dynamic and fast-paced realm of real estate, agents often navigate a complex web of communication with clients. One critical aspect that can be overlooked is the wealth of nonverbal cues, especially in a landscape where initial interactions frequently occur over the phone before progressing to face-to-face meetings. Research indicating that 55-65% of communication is nonverbal underscores the importance of honing in on these cues for real estate agents. Being aware of this, not only gives you clarity on who you should spend your valuable time with, but can also help you uncover hidden concerns or preferences that may not be explicitly…

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Game of Inches

According to a recent national poll reported by Inman, “A record 84% of Americans polled by mortgage giant Fannie Mae in September thought it was a bad time to buy a home”. When it comes down to it, buyers are having a hard time seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. This underscores the heightened importance of building relationships with every potential buyer, and making the most of every opportunity, whether it involves buyers, sellers, or referrals. SO WHAT? In the past, a mere 3 calls might have secured an appointment, but now, it takes 6. While previously, showing 4…

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60 Days Left!

2024 is just around the corner, with only 60 days remaining. Every action you take in the next two months will profoundly shape your business’s trajectory in the coming year. To set your business up for a successful 2024, consider these key strategies: Embrace Responsibility: Taking responsibility means acknowledging that you have control over your outcomes. If your business hasn’t met the targets you set for the year, don’t blame external factors or circumstances. Instead, empower yourself to make the necessary adjustments. Recognize that you are the captain of your ship, and by steering it in the right direction, you can…

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Power of Thought

“The man who thinks he will win, and the man who thinks he will lose, are both right.” – Willem Meiners Similarly, the agent that thinks he/she will be successful and reach their goals, and the agent that has a pessimistic attitude and doesn’t think they will succeed, are both right….Our beliefs influence our behavior, which influences our results. When you believe in your ability to win or achieve a goal, you are more likely to work harder, persevere through challenges, and maintain an enthusiastic attitude. It underscores the following principles that are particularly relevant to agents like you: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The…

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Dialogues > Monologues

When making calls, whether its for follow-up, initial connection call, or just a casual conversation with a prospective client, are you creating a dialogue or a monologue? A monologue and a dialogue are two distinct forms of communication, and understanding the difference between them is extremely important in conversion and business overall. While one demonstrates a willingness to listen and understand, the other can come across as pushy or self-serving. Here’s the exact difference and why it matters: A monologue is a one-sided form of communication where a single person speaks while others listen. A dialogue is a two-way form of communication where two or more people engage in…

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Your Will to Win

Each one of us in our career attaches a price tag to our determination to succeed. At some juncture, be it during a period of triumph or when grappling with failure, we may decide to stop, alter our course, or even lose motivation entirely. Within the realm of your real estate business, you establish a figurative “goal” or a price tag, and once that objective is achieved or when you encounter a sufficient number of roadblocks, you may choose to bring your efforts to a close. This phenomenon is deeply rooted in human psychology — whether consciously or subconsciously, we determine the…

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Season of Change

Just like the year has its four seasons, the real estate world has its own ups and downs. What works for you in one market season might not fly in another. Most real estate agents figure this out the hard way – thinking that the same tasks all year round will produce the same outcome. However, your business has different seasons, and that means you’ve got to change up how you do things day-to-day – your tasks, your systems, and what you prioritize. What season are you in right now? What habits does that season require? If you’re currently struggling…

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Perfect Prep

You cannot control people, including your prospects. You cannot convince someone to want to work with you or buy/sell a home. BUT you CAN control how you show up. Here are a few things you CAN control when talking to/ meeting with your prospects: 1. First Impressions Matter: Your attitude can make or break your connection. Upon meeting you, clients and customers should have a positive experience right off the bat. Come to your meeting well-prepared, dressed professionally, tidy hair, and with a friendly smile on your face. 2. Show Up Early: Being early to an appointment is WAY better than being late. If you are meeting them…

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‘A’ Level Service

In an industry where client relationships are at the heart of our business, it’s crucial to make strategic decisions about where we invest our time and resources. One such decision revolves around how we allocate our top-tier services among our clients. Do not give A service to B and C clients! Here is a refresher on what A,B,C clients are. A: Takes your advice and have expressed a strong interest in a property or have a pressing need to buy or sell. B: “If it’s meant to be”, may need more nurturing before they are ready to commit. C: Not motivated but may still have potential value in the future.…

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Utilize Social Media

As a real estate agent in 2023, social media is essential because it can help establish a more personable and approachable online presence, which can lead to stronger connections with clients. When done correctly, your social media content will grab and retain the attention of past, present, and future clients, expand your reach (and your revenue!), and help brand you as the go-to agent in your market. Six tips to use social media to the fullest: Share Wins: Share your personal and professional achievements, both big and small. Did you beat out multiple offers for your clients to secure their dream home? SHARE…

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Adjust Your Game Plan

With less than 4 months remaining in 2023, the year is quickly drawing to a close. It’s time to check in and take a moment to reflect on the goals you set back in January of this year. Take stock of your progress thus far and begin crafting a strategic plan to ensure you achieve everything you aimed for before the arrival of 2024. Start by revisiting the goals you set at the beginning of the year. These goals could include metrics like the number of properties sold, income targets, lead generation goals, or professional development objectives. Evaluate how much progress you’ve made…

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What is Takes to Convert

How many times do you call or reach out to a lead before giving up due to their unresponsiveness? Do you take into account the possibility that they didn’t pick up or respond because it was a bad time, they’re busy working, or dealing with their day-to-day life?  And, how many times have you called a ton of old/unresponsive leads and heard “oh, no thank you we already bought a home”… Interesting Follow-Up Statistics: Did you know that when an agent calls a lead 6 times in 6 days they will get a pick-up or a call back 90% of the time by that 6th call? Most…

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Re-engage Old Leads with Gold Bars

When it comes to reviving old or seemingly dormant leads, RCC encourages a strategy that consistently results in re-engagement: offering “gold bars”. This method involves offering a valuable piece of information or insight about the market that has the potential to capture the attention and reignite the interest of these previously inactive leads.  GOLD BAR Example Price Reductions: “Hi ___, I know it has been awhile since we last spoke. I was just reviewing Portland’s market stats this morning and what I found is unbelievable… [Insert City] home sellers had xx price reductions last week alone- that is a __% INCREASE…

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According to realtor.com, 97% of people read reviews before deciding to work with an agent. Therefore, getting reviews from your clients is crucial to securing more business. Here are a few ways to get more reviews: Provide exceptional service: The obvious way to receive positive reviewsis by providing excellent service to your clients. However, if you go above and beyond to meet their needs, be responsive, and deliver results, theclient will correlate their ‘win’ to your services. In other words, if you provide exceptional service, your clients will attribute their success to you and be more inclined to write a positive review. Ideally,…

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Impactful Text Messages

In today’s fast-paced world, real estate professionals must use methods relevant to today’s society to connect with clients effectively. Phone calls to clients are great, but it is a 50/50 chance they will answer. Texting is a powerful tool for real estate agents, allowing personal and immediate communication, allowing for clients to respond when they have a moment. Crafting the right text message/ follow-up scripts is crucial for maximizing this strategy’s impact. Best Practices for Successful Text Message Follow Ups: Personalization: Customize your text messages with the client’s name and specific details related to their inquiries or preferences. Value Proposition: Offer…

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Be Prepared for Each & Every Day

As a professional real estate agent, ensuring you are always prepared for each day is crucial to maintaining a successful and productive business. Here are some tips to help you stay on top of your game: 1. Organize Your Tasks: Start each day by creating a detailed to-do list. Prioritize tasks such as client meetings, property showings, paperwork, and follow-ups. Having a clear plan will keep you focused and efficient. 2. Review Your Schedule: Check your calendar for any upcoming property viewings, client consultations, or important deadlines. This will prevent you from double-booking or missing critical appointments. 3. Set Goals: Define specific targets for…

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The Power of Sustained Effort

Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in five years. Many agents set ambitious goals and have a strong desire to achieve significant results within a year, such as transacting xx amount of homes per year, or growing their database by the hundreds. However, the reality is that meaningful progress often takes time and consistent effort. Unrealistic expectations for what can be accomplished in a single year may lead to disappointment and frustration if those goals are not met. On the other hand, agents often underestimate the potential of consistent action over a…

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Are They Really An “A” Client?

Reality Check: Are the clients you are working with REALLY ‘A’ clients or do you just really need them to be? Determining this will only help you, not hurt you. There are ‘A’ clients in every market, you just might be spending all of your time with actual ‘Bs’ and ‘Cs’. Here are a few characteristics that can help identify an “A” client: Takes your advice: They are serious and motivated to transact. They are willing to step up (within their capabilities) to compete and win in multiple offers. As sellers, they listen to your pricing strategy and choose to follow your advice. Although they may not always…

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No Lead Left Behind

The ideology of “No Lead Left Behind” is a fundamental principle in the industry that emphasizes the importance of not disregarding any potential leads. It recognizes that every lead, regardless of their current readiness to transact, deserves attention and nurturing. For new agents, it can be challenging to comprehend that many leads they encounter may not be immediately ready to buy or sell a property. Some leads may require months or even years of engagement before they make a decision. It is inevitable that these leads will likely engage with multiple agents during that time. While the real estate industry emphasizes the…

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Adjusting is Crucial

Is the market changing? YES. But are buyers still buying and sellers still selling? YES. In order to maintain a consistent and successful business in this market, agents will need to adjust their work ethic and double down. What does adjusting to the market look like? It means pushing prospecting and follow up to the forefront of your schedule, making time to make the calls, and then adding in more time if necessary till you hit your goals. In a shifting market where sellers used to see their neighbor sell in 3 days with 10 offers for $100k over asking all…

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Meet the 2023 Consumer

  The 2023 consumer wants instant gratification…but what does that mean for agents? Agents who want to win in today’s world, will need to adjust their approach to meet the needs, expectations, and speed that the consumer now requires. The online consumer clicked a button, they want to see the house and they want to see it without being interrogated with 30+ questions. In the video above, Craig Reger, CEO of RCC, explains why you will secure more business once you adjust your practices to fit the new world of the modern consumer. Looking for a coach? Contact us for a FREE coaching call!

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Listing Best Fits Script

  Do you have a bunch of old leads that you lost communication with? When you get a listing, identify the leads that you know are looking for a property in the area or in the price range of your new listing. Do you have a go to script? Here is our go-to “Best Fits” Script: Hi__, at some point in the past you spoke with my real estate team or registered on our website ________. We have a new listing about to hit the market, located at ___. Our notes indicate this home might be a match with what…

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A, B, and C Leads

Real estate sales nationwide are down. Whether you historically sell 12 homes a year or 100 homes a year, less sales means less income. Your priorities matter more now then ever. It is critical that you are using your time and resources on the leads that are most likely to result in a sale, while still keeping track of leads that may have potential in the future. Try prioritizing your pipeline by labeling them as either “A,B, or C” leads: A = Takes your advice and have expressed a strong interest in a property or have a pressing need to buy or sell. B =…

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People are busy… Don’t give up

The number one question we get asked: When and how often should I follow up with a lead? If only there were a simple answer… but there isn’t. Follow up timing is based on MANY things. Real estate IQ. This is simply using your best judgement, experience and real estate common sense to come up with what to do. For instance, if they are looking to buy/sell in the next month or two – follow up daily to get that appointment and cement that relationship. If they are looking to buy/sell next year – monthly would be best until you either approach the…

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[Webinar Replay] Realities of Conversion

“Our careers are a pass/fail type of philosophy based on how deep of a relationship we can create. More money is made in the follow-up than in every other task combined. Coincidentally, the measure of difficulty in follow up is very low, yet often overlooked in favor of more time-consuming and difficult tasks with no reward. Perhaps this is why many talented agents fail.” -RCC Conversion Coach Mike Shaw There are 4 commonly ignored realities of conversion. The trajectory of an agent’s career is 100% impacted by the strength of the relationships and connections he/she creates and maintains. Once you understand and…

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Ways to Win

  Real estate agents thrive off the win. Let’s be honest – maybe we got into this business because we love houses, or people, or what we thought would be a flexible schedule… but we stay because of that sheer joy we get when we win and get to share that win with our client. Winning the client, the house, the listing, the negotiation… in each of these scenarios there is a mindset and a systematic way to win. Let’s break it down. Winning the client: People want to be heard. They don’t care about your fancy logo, or your awards…

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Webinar: Mark Willis

  This is the “Don’t Miss” conversation of the year! One of real estate’s most influential and admired leaders, Mark Willis joins RCC founder, Craig Reger to discuss lessons in leadership and how to build an exceptional organization by succeeding with others.    

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Take the FREE DISC Assessment here: https://discpersonalitytesting.com/   What is DISC? The DISC assessment is one of the most popular personality assessments available today. It is used by over one million individuals, businesses and organizations every year to help people find their ideal career, team up with the right people, and improve communication and productivity in the workplace. Why do I need to know DISC? Self-awareness is essential to success. If you don’t understand what drives your actions and behaviors, it’s difficult to cultivate positive growth. In this industry, if you know someone’s DISC personality, you will be able to understand how to communicate…

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